
Can Cause Serious Damage

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Stop Clowning Around City

Manchester City need to start realizing that money is not the only thing that snares the top players in the world. With a decent squad last year that included the likes of Bellamy, Robinho, Ireland, Wright Phillips, Richards, Bridge, Elano, De jong etc, they should have at least qualified for Europe to at least make some sort of mark for the transfer market.When you think about of the top players and what they look for in their careers, it comes down to playing the highest level of football, which translates to European championships. Champions League first and then the UEFA CUP. Manchester City could not even qualify for the UEFA cup last season, finishing 10th in the league, behind the likes of Fulham and Tottenham(who seemed to have a dreadful season).So why would top players move to a club like that.They only seem to demure the status of the club by having so many transfer bids rejected which indirectly reflects badly on the club as no one would like to go there.When you think of their transfer targets they have this season (Terry, Eto'o, Kaka, Trezeguet, etc), do you think they would actually miss playing in the Champions League. What City need to do is target the next level of players who I'm sure would certainly sign for them and aim for a Champions League or UEFA cup spot.Gareth Barry and Santa Cruz though priced slightly higher than expected are such players who could take them there. Tevez,if he does indeed sign would be a bonus for them.Once they reach the status of European Soccer, they will then be able to bid for the big players. I'm sure manager Mark Hughes has no say in this transfer madness and is merely a puppet in the City game who will be on his way out soon, once they fail to deliver. The management has been obsessed by the amount of money they have and are not thinking practically according to what they the team really needs. Its about time someone told them that they are merely clowns of the transfer market and also the laughing stock by the big top players who wouldn't like missing out on Champions League and also move according to the status of the club. City does not cut it. Money does not build the status of a club, trophies and level of soccer do, and Manchester City is nothing but a rich club.They need to wake up and think with their heads rather than with their pockets.

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